Unbelievable: Cuomo says he's inviting his 89-year-old mother to Thanksgiving dinner; Update: Cuomo cancels

I happened to catch a few minutes of Chris Cuomo’s interview with Fauci last week when they were talking about needing to limit Thanksgiving to one’s immediate household this year. And Cuomo said something to the effect of, “I’m not seeing my mom this year, she’ll be with my brother.”


And I thought, “Knowing what the guidance is, Andrew Cuomo’s bringing an elderly woman into his home for Thanksgiving?”

But then I thought, “Nah, c’mon. It must be that she lives with him and is already in the same ‘bubble’ as him.”

So imagine my embarrassment this afternoon upon discovering that, indeed, Cuomo’s bringing an elderly woman into his home for Thanksgiving. And not just her. Apparently his daughters are en route as well, to up the odds of infection a little further. Don’t forget to set an extra plate at the table for ‘rona, my man.

He should be dining alone this year, like me and every other patriot on a wartime footing. When you dine alone, you don’t dine with COVID.

Anyway, I gave him the benefit of the doubt despite knowing that he’s (a) a moron and (b) a terrible leader. I deeply regret the error.


“So after killing everyone else’s grandmas through his disastrous nursing home order, Cuomo is keen to kill his own,” says Tiana Lowe. Well, his children’s grandma, but yes. America’s worst governor won’t rest until every senior citizen in New York has RSVP’d to the big Thanksgiving dinner in the sky.

He’s getting destroyed for this on social media this evening, and not just by conservatives. There are myriad examples of political leaders setting social-distancing rules for the rabble and then breaking those rules themselves, as we saw most recently with Gavin Newsom’s dinner at The French Laundry. But something about Cuomo going rogue on Thanksgiving feels like the ne plus ultra of the genre. What better embodies America’s humiliating ineptness on the pandemic than having the guy who presided over New York’s spring apocalypse spend weeks warning about the threat from holiday gatherings and then carving the turkey at a big family dinner himself?

With an 89-year-old woman at his side, to boot.

Didn’t … didn’t he just say that he *wasn’t* going to do this?


I hope he’s not going to tell us, “Don’t worry, everyone’s getting tested beforehand.” That ain’t going to cut it, chief. Especially if the tests are those rapid ones that tend to produce false negatives, which may or may not explain how we’ve ended up with three or four separate outbreaks at the White House this fall.

Via the Free Beacon, here he is accepting his international Emmy for worst performance by a terrible manager during an epic crisis. Fox host Janice Dean lost both her mother-in-law and father-in-law to New York’s first wave of COVID this past spring and has been demanding accountability from Cuomo ever since for his disastrous policies. She was interviewed this morning on Fox and said something that shocked me even in a year when I thought I’d lost my capacity for shock: “I heard that to get an Emmy Award, you have to send videotape of yourself to the board members. And so to think that the governor was going through some of his TV appearances talking about deaths in New York and submitting those videos to the Emmy folks really makes me physically sick.” Did Cuomo or one of his cronies actually apply for the Emmy? Taking his eye off the ball of containing the virus in order to promote himself sounds, uh … it sounds exactly like something he’d do, come to think of it.


Update: As with Gavin Newsom, this guy had to browbeat by half the Internet for the terrible example he set before realizing the error of his ways. He’s given up on the family dinner: “(G)iven the current circumstances with COVID, he will have to work through Thanksgiving and will not be seeing them,” a spokesman said. “Don’t tell his mom — she doesn’t know yet.”

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