Video: So this is the ad that Team Kasich thinks is going to take down Trump, huh?

Remember that story last week about Kasich’s Super PAC preparing to take the gloves off with Trump to the tune of $2.5 million in ads? They’re going to be the “tip of the spear” against him, part of a multi-PAC attack designed to disillusion his fans until they decide not to turn out to vote for him next winter after all.


This, apparently, is step one in doing that — a 47-second smorgasbord of Trump “gaffes” from this summer, not one of which actually damaged his numbers the first time the media went nuts over them. In fact, they’ve tried to cram so much in here that some of the bits are incoherent. The line about McCain not being a hero is edited so that McCain’s name is never mentioned. Unless you’ve seen the full exchange previously, you have no idea what he’s talking about here except that he seems to think someone who got captured is a war hero. Even if you know the context, why would watching this again now drive you away if it didn’t this summer? Same goes for the CNN snippet near the end where Trump talks about certain unnamed people doing a lot of raping. That was an answer he gave when Don Lemon pressed him on what he said about Mexican rapists in his announcement speech; minus that context, it’s meaningless. And what’s with the short quote where Trump refers to blacks as “the blacks”? This is what Team Kasich thinks is going to kill him in a Republican primary? If you’re dead set on trying to prove that Trump is unqualified to be president, you should do seven or eight ads each devoted to a single “gaffe,” to give yourself enough time to explain them in full. Put them on TV in rotation and let the cumulative effect of so many different “problematic” statements take its toll on voters. I doubt that’d work too but it’d be shrewder than this. As it is, this feels like an ad made by Trump-hating consultants for Trump-hating consultants. “Remember when he took that shot at McCain? I’d never vote for him now.”


Supposedly the PAC’s already received “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in new donations from Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio donors who are thrilled to see someone finally taking the fight to Trump. We’ll see how they feel after they’ve seen the spot. Exit question: Watch the second ad below, which was produced by Jeb Bush’s team a few weeks ago. Similar in theme — note the music in both — and much more coherent in how it makes a particular case against nominating Trump. Hasn’t hurt Trump so far, though. Why would the Kasich ad?

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