Quotes of the day

“There has been a lot of discussion online and in the mainstream media about our response to various critics of the President, specifically former Vice President Cheney, who have been coming out of the woodwork since the incident on Christmas Day. I think we all agree that there should be honest debate about these issues, but it is telling that Vice President Cheney and others seem to be more focused on criticizing the Administration than condemning the attackers. Unfortunately too many are engaged in the typical Washington game of pointing fingers and making political hay, instead of working together to find solutions to make our country safer.”


“‘It’s long past time for House Republicans to put country before political party and work with President Obama and Congressional Democrats to learn from this episode and act quickly to protect the American people,’ Van Hollen added.

“Just to clarify, this is the same former vice president who we were told was Darth Vader, ruthless and cruel, obsessed with terrorism, draconian and lacking in perspective, stopping at nothing to find anyone who could be even remotely connected to al-Qaeda and using excruciatingly painful forms of interrogation that leave decent souls traumatized and Jack Bauer wincing.

“And now we’re supposed to believe he’s insufficiently interested in condemning the attackers?”

“There’s a continued, unfortunate tendency for everyone in Obamaland to preface every comment about something going wrong with a sideswipe against the Bush administration. On Sunday, Bill Burton, Deputy White House Press Secretary, briefed: ‘On the Sunday shows, Robert Gibbs and Secretary Napolitano made clear that we are pressing ahead with securing our nation against threats and our aggressive posture in the war with al Qaeda. We are winding down a war in Iraq that took our eye off of the terrorists that attacked us, and have dramatically increased our resources in Afghanistan and Pakistan where those terrorists are.’ Why pat yourself on the back for ‘winding down a war in Iraq that took our eye off of the terrorists that attacked us’ when the issue at hand is why the US government under Obama, er, took its eyes off a terrorist who did try to attack us and nearly killed 300 people? It’s bordering on the juvenile. Obama’s been president for a year now. It’s time for him to accept that things that happen as his responsibility, not Bush’s.”


“You may agree or disagree about the wisdom or effectiveness of any of those actions. But did anyone, on December 22, 2001, doubt that George W. Bush was serious about using all the powers of the U.S. government to strike back at the terrorists who hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Did anyone doubt Bush’s resolve?

“Today, does anyone have such confidence in Barack Obama? That — and not some ‘double standard’ — is why there are so many questions about the president’s handling of the Detroit incident.”

Via the Right Scoop.

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