Report: Trump to endorse Paul Ryan at Wisconsin rally tonight

This might be the first time Trump gets booed at one of his own rallies.

Total cuck move, bro:

Donald Trump is expected to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan R-Wis., Friday, two highly placed Republican officials tell Fox News — just days after the Republican presidential nominee declined to back Ryan when asked in an interview…

“I like Paul. I like Paul. But these are horrible times for our country. We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there. I’m not quite there yet,” Trump said [several days ago].

Trump’s use of the phrase “not quite there yet,” echoed Ryan’s own hesitancy to back Trump. When asked if he would endorse the billionaire in May, Ryan told CNN: “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there right now.”


To make this extra awkward, number-one Trump fan Ann Coulter will be in Ryan’s district tomorrow to campaign with his opponent, Paul Nehlen. More than a half dozen former Trump campaign staffers are working for Nehlen as I write this. Here’s how a traditional politician would have gone about making a decision on whether to back Ryan: “I know my base will be annoyed if I support their globalist bete noire, but I could strangle a kitten onstage and they’ll still vote for me. Meanwhile, Ryan’s headed for a mega-landslide in all of the impartial polls. Even my own campaign manager thinks he’s a lock to win. If I endorse him, I’ll get credit for being a team player at a moment when the party is struggling to unify and I’ll get to say, implausibly or not, that it was my endorsement that contributed to Ryan’s gigantic win after it happens. If I hold out instead, I’ll be blamed if he loses and I’ll be attacked for having no influence over Republican voters if he wins.”

Instead, Trump’s thought process appears to have gone like this: “I don’t like that Ryan keeps disagreeing with me. I’m holding out!”

Having decided to hold out, the smart play at this point would have been to demonstrate resolve by continuing to hold out, let Ryan win his race, and then congratulate him warmly on Tuesday. It’s dumb to turn around three days after claiming he wasn’t ready to endorse and say “okay, I’m ready now!”, especially when the papers are running stories about Reince Priebus chewing him out on the phone for not embracing his buddy Ryan. Now Trump looks like he’s doing Reince’s bidding. Who’s the alpha male here?


Exit quotation from Ryan, when asked this morning what the latest was on Trump endorsing him or not: “Heck if I know. I’m not going to try to psychoanalyze this stuff.”

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