Open thread: Sunday morning talking heads

A very limited shutdown of the Homeland Security department is less than a week away so it’s time for the White House to start scaremongering. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson will appear on all five Sunday shows this morning to make the case that cutting off funding to nonessential agencies for even five minutes might just produce a hundred 9/11s. He’ll also defend Obama’s unprecedented power grab on immigration — not so much because he’s required to, although he is, but because looking the other way at obviously illegal Obama power grabs is what Jeh Johnson does best.


If you simply must subject yourself to his spin this morning, watch him on “Face the Nation” — not because Bob Schieffer has any tricks up his sleeve but because Johnson will be followed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who’s leading the legal challenge to executive amnesty that produced a federal injunction against the program in Texas this week. Of the many guests booked across five networks for today’s shows, Abbott may well be the only one who’s not pro-amnesty. Go figure. The full line-up is at the AP.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024