Quotes of the day

Via Revolution PAC.


“I am not predicting Ron Paul is nominated, I am suggesting he deserves to be treated with the respect of now being a serious contender to win first or second place in Iowa and New Hampshire. I have always predicted that Paul will ultimately be one of three finalists for the Republican nomination, which will become a three-person race, with Ron Paul one of the three.


“At a minimum Ron Paul is now a force to be reckoned with. His support has surged in multiple polls. His fundraising will probably surge even more. He has the potential to be a kingmaker if he is the third Republican left at the convention with no candidate having a majority of delegates.

“No doubt about it, a Ron Paul third-party candidacy would now be very formidable.”


“In a year when the Republican field is unusually fractured, with front-runners coming around as often as carousel ponies, Mr. Paul’s ability to mobilize niche groups like home-schoolers may make a big difference. His campaign, which has won a number of straw polls and is picking up momentum, has demonstrated its ability to organize and mobilize supporters, which is particularly relevant in Iowa, where relatively small numbers can tip the scales in the caucuses…

“Two state polls this week show him in a statistical tie for first. One, released Monday by Bloomberg News, showed Mr. Paul winning 19 percent of likely Republican caucus voters, within the margin of error with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich…

“Because of strong fund-raising from small donors on the Internet, the campaign has been able to saturate the Iowa airwaves with ads. It has outspent all others — $2.5 million on TV and radio commercials in Iowa and New Hampshire (where a Bloomberg poll had Mr. Paul in second place this week behind Mr. Romney). It plans to spend $4 million more before the voting in those two states begins in less than two months.”



“‘Ron Paul could be the best thing that happened to Romney, he’s the line between the first and second tier,’ he said. ‘He could be the spoiler and separate the rest of the field from Romney, and help give him a good win in Iowa or New Hampshire.’…

“‘Ron is appealing to all Republicans right now. They’ve come around completely to focusing on spending and want serious attempts to focusing on the budget,’ said Paul spokesman Jesse Benton. ‘Ron’s ideas are now mainstream ideas. People need to get out of the mindset of the 2004 election. The Republican Party is now the party of budgetary restraint.’…

“Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Iowa Republican Party, said that it ‘would be deadly’ for any candidate to finish behind Paul in Iowa or the other early voting states because it would hurt perceptions for that candidate’s electability.

“Robinson predicted that “people are going to be like, ‘if you can’t beat Ron Paul… how are you going to beat Barack Obama?'”


“Paul said Obama does not agree with stance of bringing U.S. troops home that are based internationally.


“‘He thinks we need more troops spread around the world. So he’s over in Australia, promising to send thousands of our troops to Australia. Why do we have to occupy Australia? I mean what’s going on? He said well maybe the Chinese will attack us. The Chinese are our banker, they’re not going to attack us— you know it’s not going to happen,’ Paul said…

“‘Defense spending is different than military spending. Sending troops to Australia, that’s not defense, we don’t need troops in Australia to protect against anybody invading this country. It’s all just mischief,’ Paul said.”


“When asked if he was saying ‘it was our fault’ that 9/11 happened, Paul said, no. ‘That’s a misconstruing of what I’m saying,’ he replied.

“‘America is you and I,’ Paul told Schieffer. ‘We didn’t cause it. The average American didn’t cause it. [But] if you have a flawed policy, it may influence it.

“‘I’m saying the policy-makers’ fault contributed to it,’ he added…

“‘We have 12,000 diplomats. I’m suggesting that maybe we ought to use some of them,’ Paul said. ‘I think the greatest danger now is for us to overreact. This is what I’m fearful of. Iran doesn’t have a bomb. There’s no proof. There’s no new information, regardless of this recent report. For us to overreact and talk about bombing Iran, that’s much more dangerous.'”



Via Breitbart TV.


Via Mediaite.

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