Tom Joscelyn has some brief biographical details on this guy in case you’re curious to know how he landed in U.S. military custody. He’s actually the less interesting of the two men onscreen here, though; as Aaron Worthing notes, the most revealing element of this clip is how credulous Al Jazeera’s reporter is when Hajj takes his sudden detour into Looneytown. Is that because the AJ team is so eager for anti-American propaganda that they’re willing to let even a claim as insane as this pass unchallenged, knowing full well that it’s nuts but expecting that plenty of viewers will accept it at face value? Or is it that the AJ team itself considers this story plausible? Mark Steyn once described the prospect of nuclear terrorism as lying at “the intersection of apparently indestructible ancient ignorance and cheap, widely available western technology.” This clip, broadcast throughout the region, has precisely the same coordinates.
What’s ironic is that Jazeera could have spun Hajj’s story into a sophisticated bit of agitprop — i.e. “the detainees were so badly treated that some of them went mad” — but, at least in the four minutes clipped by MEMRI, they chose not to. Is that because Hajj admits at the beginning here that, er, some of the prisoners didn’t take the meds they were prescribed? Ah well. Look on the bright side: When it comes to pastimes favored by freed Gitmo detainees, mumbling about Jewish warlocks is the least of our worries.
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