Next governor of New York: The "Rent Is Too Damn High" candidate

John Podhoretz watched tonight’s debate live and tweeted, “Jimmie McMillen about to go viral. Trust me.” And so he is, my friends, so he is.

To give you a sense of how seriously New Yorkers take politics these days, here’s a quote from one of the other candidates on the dais this evening:


Former madam Kristin Davis, the Anti-Prohibition Party candidate, called career politicians the “biggest whores” and declared she might be the only one on the stage “with the right experience to deal with them.”

In discussing the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, she noted that “the key difference between the MTA and my former escort agency is that I operated one set of books and my former agency delivered on-time and reliable service.”

Her jobs plan called for legalizing pot.

Before you ask, yes, there’s an official “Rent Is Too Damn High” party website, and yes, of course it comes built-in with a soundtrack when you load the page. If you can’t get enough of Jimmy McMillan — or, as I’m now calling him, Gov. McMillan — NY1 had a solo interview with him just a few days ago. Exit question: Is the problem with a city that’s infamous for rent control really that rent is “too damn high”? Click the image to watch.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024