That’s the word on the street from Foreign Policy. Old and busted left-wing CW: Revealing Bush’s classified intelligence is a heroic act of defiance by our vibrant democratic free press. New left-wing CW hotness: Revealing Obama’s classified intelligence is a needless act of treachery against a president struggling to fight the war on terror effectively. Wait and see.
The Diplomatic Security Bureau at State sent out a notice Thursday to all department employees warning them to protect classified information and reject inquiries from the press when the new web feature goes live.
“The Washington Post plans to publish a website listing all agencies and contractors believed to conduct Top Secret work on behalf of the U.S. Government,” the notice reads. “The website provides a graphic representation pinpointing the location of firms conducting Top Secret work, describing the type of work they perform, and identifying many facilities where such work is done.”
According to the notice, the Post used only open-source information to compile its site. However, if some of that open-source information turns out to have been classified, its publication by the Post doesn’t change that classification, the State Department emphasized.
Supposedly the story’s being written by — ta da — Dana Priest, who became a darling of the left by exposing the CIA’s secret prisons. Even so, while I have no doubt something’s in the works, how likely is it that WaPo’s going to create a separate “website” just to list all the secret info it’s obtained? Anyone want to bet that State’s overselling it to make sure its employees stay nice and quiet in case the phone rings this weekend?
Exit fun fact via Politico: “Her piece was going Sunday but now may run Monday because The Post wants the Web buzz and traffic when more people are online.” More eyeballs for the classified info, please!
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