Great news: Fiorina's campaign promising ads even freaky deakier than "demon sheep"

Reminds me of something Orson Welles once said about the difference between realism and melodrama. When realism fails, you’re bored; when melodrama fails, you laugh. More melodrama, please.


Don’t be surprised if the Fiorina camp does more in this vein in the weeks ahead.

“We can expect to see equally if not more shocking web-based ads or videos coming from our campaign moving forward,” Soderlund said.

Critics have suggested that sheep might not be the best metaphor for the ideal sort of Republican—since it typically connotes politicians who march, unthinkingly, in lock step with their leaders. But Soderlund says the naysayers have it wrong.

“The demon sheep at the end is meant to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” she said. “That’s the whole point, that he’s trying to pass himself off as a purist on fiscal matters while his record suggests the opposite.”

Tom Campbell’s campaign says she’s in “full Mutton Meltdown mode,” which may be true — but who cares? Fred Davis, the guy who came up with this, was also responsible for McCain’s “Celebrity” ad, so if Carly’s about to flame out, at least she’ll keep us gawking at the fireworks on her way down. In fact, since someone on the campaign might eventually stumble across this post, here’s a humble request: An ad featuring Cthulhu would be very well received at Hot Air.


Now that the demon sheep is an official Internet Meme, it must be given the official Internet Meme Treatment. You can thank Jim Geraghty of Campaign Spot for this.

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