I’ll quote a bit of Mary Katharine’s post to start you off but there’s no way to do justice to it in an excerpt. It’s the must-read of the day so you must read it.
Right Principles has a Facebook group with 23 members and a Twitter account with five followers. MacGuffie describes himself as an “opponent of leftist thinking in America,” and told me he’s “never pulled a lever” for a Republican or Democrat on a federal level. Yet this Connecticut libertarian’s influence over a national, orchestrated Republican health-care push-back is strong, indeed, if you listen to liberal pundits and the Democratic National Committee, who have crafted a nefarious web out of refutable evidence.
Think Progress highlighted his memo’s directives to “‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’,” calling it a “right-wing harassment strategy against Dems.” The blog falsely connected MacGuffie to the national conservative group FreedomWorks through the most tenuous of threads. The Think Progress link that purports to establish MacGuffie as a FreedomWorks “volunteer” leads to his one blog posting on a Tea Party website (on the free social networking site, ning.com). Think Progress calls Tea Party Patriots a “FreedomWorks website.”
The problem is it’s not a FreedomWorks site, according to FreedomWorks spokesman Adam Brandon. FreedomWorks is a “coalition partner” of TeaPartyPatriots.org, but does not fund the site in any way…
The Rachel Maddow Show repeated Think Progress’ reporting on MacGuffie’s connections, showing the memo, and declaring its author “affiliated with an organization called FreedomWorks.”
The DNC has now made the memo the centerpiece of its “Mob” ad out today, from which I grabbed this screen shot, at the :40 mark…
The voice over for this image says behavior at health-care town halls is “straight from the playbook of high-level Republican political operatives.”
So it came to be that a guy no one’s heard of, who created a memo that was sent to 10 people, who once wrote a single post for a site that’s not even formally connected to a major conservative group, and who’s not even a Republican became the evil mastermind behind a national Republican conspiracy to “manufacture outrage” at town halls from coast to coast. This is how the nutroots and their media enablers work. Go read the post. Or, if you prefer, close your eyes and listen to the “symphony”…
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