Video: Birthers vs. "moderates"

Something light for Sunday morning touching on a point Ace made in the comments to his Birther thread yesterday. Not everything that hurts Obama is ipso facto “conservative” — or is it?


This is again what I object to:

Step 1: Decide what would be best, if true, for conservatives or a specific conservative like Sarah Palin.

Step 2: Claim enthusiastically that that MUST be true simply because it would be HELPFUL were it true.

Step 3: Attack those who doubt that this helpful thing is true by accusing them of being insufficently conservative and/or deliberately attempting to sabotage “the team.”

Look, this is f***ing bullsh*t. Things are either true or they are not true. I am tired of this attitude that our every waking thought and utterance must be directed to advancing the Conservatively Correct Message of the Day.

This is not a frigging David Axelrod astroturfing organization. We are allowed to have thoughts which are “unhelpful.’

Best line from the clip: The one about Mitt Romney. Or maybe the “militia” line. I can’t decide. Mild content warning.

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David Strom 7:00 AM | May 18, 2024