Fourth day in a row that The One has gained, leaving him one point shy of his all-time high. If the CW’s correct and this is mostly a byproduct of the financial meltdown, then the market surge today on news of the bailout could reverse the trend next week. If it’s not correct and this is a more general swing back towards Obama, then Maverick had better punctuate every answer at the debates with, “Have I mentioned I’m a war hero?”
Even the battlegrounds look bad per the new Marist poll, although scan the internals and you’ll see Palin’s net favorables are better than recent polls would indicate. She’s no lower than +15 in any of the three states, and in Ohio she’s +22 — the widest margin of any of the four candidates on either ticket. Exit question: Second look at Palinmania?
Update: All’s not lost yet. Maverick trailed by four in yesterday’s Hotline poll and now he’s back within one, on the same day that worries about the economy have hit an all-time high. How to explain it? Hmmm:
More anti-Obama Fannie ads, please. Good news for Palin too, thanks no doubt to the Hannity interview — she’s now back ahead of McCain and Biden in net favorables and just a point behind The One.
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