A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 30% of the nation’s Likely Voters believe Barack Obama denounced his former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, because he was outraged. Most—58%–say he denounced the Pastor for political convenience…
Fifty-six percent (56%) say it’s at least somewhat likely that Obama “shares some of Pastor Wright’s controversial views about the United States.” That figure includes 26% who say it’s Very Likely Obama holds such views. At the other end of the spectrum 24% say it’s Not Very Likely that Obama shares such views. Just 11% say it’s Not at All Likely.
Just 7% of the nation’s voters agree with Wright’s views of the United States. African-American voters, by a 64% to 12% margin, disagree with Wright. Eighty-one percent (81%) of all voters are following the story somewhat or very closely…
Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans believe it’s somewhat or very likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s views. That assessment is shared by 48% of Democrats and 49% of those not affiliated with either major party.
Exit question one, per the new Gallup poll: Was Rush premature in reinstating Operation Chaos? That is to say, has Obama indeed become an easier opponent for Maverick than Her Majesty? Seven former DNC chairs can’t be wrong! And exit question two, a harder one: If you believe Hillary’s the tougher match-up … do you pull for her anyway? This goes back to the “pragmatist vs. hard leftist” consideration I mentioned the other day. Is the greater risk of a (slightly) more moderate Democrat becoming president worth preferring her to the lesser risk of a (slightly) less moderate Democrat doing so? The big A swallows hard and says … yes.
Update: Never mind, doesn’t matter.
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