Rasmussen: Ten-point swing towards Hillary since Wright's presser three days ago


In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, the Wright impact is especially evident. Clinton now has a statistically insignificant two-point edge over Obama, 46% to 44%. However, that represents a ten-point swing since Wright’s press conference. Before Pastor Wright appeared at the National Press Club, Obama led Clinton by eight points…


He’s lost five points to McCain over the past week, too, and seven points over the past month in New Hampshire. Pray tell, what do voters in this important swing state think of Obama’s relationship to Wright?

Fifty-four percent (54%) of New Hampshire voters say it’s at least Somewhat Likely that Obama shares some of Pastor Wright’s controversial views about the United States. That figure includes 73% of Republicans, 55% of unaffiliated voters, and 36% of Democrats.

Most voters (56%) say Obama denounced Wright because it was politically convenient. Only 33% believe he was truly outraged.

Follow the last link and scroll down to the very end for an interesting data point on the great “Mitt for VP” debate. Exit question: Given the movement in her direction, why on earth would the DNC chair during Bill Clinton’s administration switch from Hillary to Obama this morning, before Indiana and NC (which may or may not be trending her way) have even voted? Possible exit answer: Someone at the Corner actually predicted something like this a while ago, that a late Hillary surge might force superdelegates out of the woodwork and, paradoxically, into declaring for Obama. They’re worried about the race dragging on and the better she does, the more likely that is to happen. Coming out for him when he’s in trouble is thus a way to blunt her momentum, essentially telling her, “Unless you win every remaining primary 80/20 he’s going to be the nominee, so you might as well drop out.” Keep it up, boys. The earlier she’s pushed out, the sore-r that sore loser contigent of hers is going to be.


Update: Joe Andrew, the DNC chair who switched, pretty much confirms the Corner’s theory.

“I’m calling on my all of my friends who are superdelegates to help heal the rift and unite behind Barack Obama, now,” says former Clinton supporter and former DNC chair Joe Andrew…

ANDREW SAID that he doesn’t buy the DNC’s position, which is that “this long process we’re involved in is reinvigorating.” But “you also see more and more polls that people are hardening their position and few of them are willing to back the other candidate.”

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