The news ain’t all bad for Team Barry. Clear majorities say the scandal’s had no effect and they don’t believe he shares Wright’s views (nor do I or most Republicans, for that matter).
Think that’ll help him with superdelegates expecting a close race with McCain this fall?
You should scroll through the crosstabs on this one, as there’s bombshells a-burstin’ on every page. This, in particular, threw me for a loop. I’ve been assuming that the base would revolt if the superdelegates dared to stiff the guy who won the most states and the most delegates. Maybe not. Exhibit A in Her Majesty’s case for why the rank and file would be more tolerant of a “selected, not elected” nominee than one might think:
That 17% is going to give them pause, but is that figure a response to the party taking anti-democratic measures or just a reflection of opposition to Hillary on the merits? Via PA WaterCooler, anecdotal evidence comes from the F&M poll of Pennsylvania. They’re screwed to the tune of a 20% “sore loser” flip no matter who wins:
Not encouraging enough? Back to Fox, then. Check out the numbers for independents in these two questions — and for Democrats in the second one. Either the “100 years in Iraq” scare tactic hasn’t taken effect yet or it’s a bust, because his national security numbers are solid:
Finally, for exit question purposes: What on earth do we make of this? 14% of Republicans, too?
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