I’ve stayed away from this meme just because it’s so unpleasant but Protein Wisdom has been plugging away, from the coverage in the Times to the panic over the security lapse in Dallas (Dallas!) to the obligatory Blackwater conspiracy theories at HuffPo. Fittingly it’s Karl who spots this latest excrescence, which must be seen to be believed. The nuance here lies in the fact that the “assassination” of the exhibit is supposed to be metaphorical, which doesn’t quite explain the painting of RFK looking over Obama’s shoulder or the, um, noose graphics, but may explain the enormous black phallus covering three walls. From the press release:
In a take no prisoners fashion, Arboleda makes bold, unapologetic statements that reflect the extreme judgments and characterizations placed on the first competitive African American presidential candidate. For Arboleda, the statements and re-appropriated imagery in his installation are in direct response to the daily accusations laid on Senator Obama by everyone – the media, the electorate, the society at large – and attempts to make us all aware of the lasting effects of this process. Whereas everyone is responsible, no one – and no group – is safe in this highly evocative and controversial exhibit. In the all-encompassing installation that explores the themes of sexism, racism, ageism and religious intolerance, one questions to what end we are willing to go to tear down our leaders in the process of electing them.
Follow the link and see for yourself. Genuine concern for the safety of a minority candidate + creepy cultish fascination with the sacrifice of the leader + irresistible historical resonance with other saintly American politicians (Lincoln, MLK, JFK, RFK) + sublimated fear that Obama’s election might indeed destroy the old paradigms of racial victimhood = Obamartyrdommania!
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