Atheists win right to display their own "holiday tree"

First Sunday school, now this. Before you know it, Hitch will be wearing a cassock.

That’s when we’ll know it’s well and truly over.

For the first time a regional atheist group will display a holiday tree on the Chester County Courthouse lawn during the winter holidays, potentially setting a seasonal model for other communities.

County commissioners have allowed groups to display a Christmas tree and menorah on the lawn. But last year, The Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia, an atheist group, asked the commissioners to either let any group set up a seasonal holiday display or ban the displays entirely

The group’s display, “The Tree of Knowledge,” will include a 15-foot evergreen with color copies of book covers as decorations. Some of the book covers will include the Holy Bible, the Quran, “Ethics Without God,” “Why I Am Not a Christian,” and “Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism.”


How strange it is that atheists would be so widely loathed when we have spiteful, antagonistic morons like this to vindicate us.

In times like these, I like to remind myself: It could be worse.

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