NBC: Suspected Hezbollah spy worked in Baghdad questioning "high-ranking" Al Qaeda suspects

It’s the proverbial gift that keeps on giving, isn’t it?

Current and former intelligence officials tell NBC News that Nada Nadim Prouty had a much bigger role than officials at the FBI and CIA first acknowledged. In fact, Prouty was assigned to the CIA’s most sensitive post, Baghdad, and participated in the debriefings of high-ranking al- Qaida detainees.

A former colleague called Prouty “among the best and the brightest” CIA officers in Baghdad. She was so exceptional, agree officials of both agencies, the CIA recruited her from the FBI to work for the agency’s clandestine service at Langley, Va., in June 2003. She then went to Iraq for the agency to work with the U.S. military on the debriefings.

“Early on, she was an active agent in the debriefings,” said one former intelligence official. “It was more than translation.”…

“The issue is that she had access to very sensitive information regardless of where she was in the hierarchy,” said [NBC analyst Roger] Cressey. “Because she was able to interview high-value targets, that put her in a very unique position. So if she therefore shared that information, it could have cost major damage to our nation’s security.”


This would have been fully three years after she first started illicitly poking around in FBI computers. Remember too that according to a government official quoted in the Detroit Free Press, “[t]he CIA relied mainly on the FBI [background] checks” done on Prouty years earlier before, apparently, shipping her off to ground zero of the war on terror.

Say, who was it again who was CIA director in 2003? Oh, right.


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