Video: Bizarre, petty, yet oddly compelling celebrity drama of the day; Update: Iggy placed in a new home?

What’s more unsettling: this speech, the fact that some of her fans are phoning in death threats to the rescue group, or the rescue group refusing to give the dog to the two little girls as a matter of pride?


“It’s never gonna happen,” attorney Keith A. Fink, who is representing the owners of the Mutts and Moms agency, told “There is more of a chance that the Yankees are going to win the World Series this year.”…

“They are not going to be bullied by the Ellen DeGeneres camp,” Fink said. “It’s Hollywood culture — she thinks she’s above the contract and the law.”…

Fink told that Mutts and Moms has a rule that families with children under 14 are not allowed to adopt small dogs — but they might have made an exception had DeGeneres gone through the proper channels.

“If she would have told the agency ‘I have a great friend, she’s seen the dog and loves it, can you consider her?’ I know my clients would have.”

Exit question: How much of a “donation” to Mutts and Moms is she going to have to make before they hand over the puppy?


Update: “Leave Iggy alone!”

Update: Heart-ache: “The attorney for Mutts & Moms tells ‘The Insider’ that ELLEN DeGENERES’ formerly adopted dog has been placed in a new home.” Follow the link, though, and see for yourself the shenanigans Mutts & Moms is allegedly up to with their contract claim.

Update: Ellen gets the news about Iggy: “Yeah, that’s what I just heard, too. The statement was, ‘Finally, it’s in a safe home.’ Which is an unbelievable statement. I mean, the whole situation is surreal. I can’t even begin to tell you the disbelief.”

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