Video: Guy in Bloomberg gun-control ads breaks all the major rules of gun safety

We’ve talked about this before. When it comes to gun safety, the physicians in the Democratic Party are not so into healing themselves.

In the latest example, we have Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s $12 million ads, which Emily Miller points out, break the three first rules of gun safety. The NRA isn’t just an association of those who treasure their Second Amendment rights. It’s also the biggest gun safety organization in the U.S., and it teaches these rules every day.


Mr. Bloomberg’s organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, produced two ads featuring a man holding a shotgun, wearing plaid flannel with a camouflage cap and sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck. While a child swings on a tire in the background, the man says, “I support comprehensive background checks so criminals and the dangerously mentally ill can’t buy guns.”

The ad does not specify if the man is an actor, but the text accompanying it says he is a “gun owner.” Either way, the man violates all three gun safety rules taught by the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The first rule is to always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. In this case, the children are playing in the yard. Although the viewers can’t see what is to the side of the truck, the man should be pointing the muzzle in the air or at the ground.

The second NRA rule is always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

In the ad “Responsibility,” the man has his finger on the trigger, as if ready to shoot. While doing this, he says, “I believe in the Second Amendment, and I’ll fight to protect it. But with rights come responsibilities.” To make an ad demonstrating actual gun responsibility, the man would put a straight forefinger above the trigger guard to make sure he doesn’t accidentally touch the trigger.

In a second iteration of the ad, “Family,” Emily notes the bolt is closed, thereby leaving it uncertain whether the gun is loaded.


I really do hate to be a stickler, but if there’s one thing to be a stickler about, the basic rules of gun safety while you’re in an ad for alleged advocates of gun safety is a pretty good choice. Forgive me if I don’t feel like giving up my rights as a law-abiding citizen to a billionaire mayor who can’t instruct his recruits to keep their booger hooks off the bang switch. But by all means, continue to make laws without knowing jack about your subject. It always works so well.

H/t, the lovely Katie Pavlich, who reminds us of all the other dangerous advice gun-control advocates have been dispensing lately. As long as President Obama insists on acting like the world’s most overpaid traveling gun salesman, maybe his allies could stop teaching everyone the quickest route to maiming accidents?

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Karen Townsend 4:00 PM | May 06, 2024