Japan would like America's data on UFOs, please

Over the weekend, we talked about how some scientists are coming around to the idea that the UFOs our Navy pilots have been chasing around were created by actual extraterrestrial species, some of whom are hanging around here on Earth and potentially interacting with certain terrestrial governments. I know… I know… some of you scoffed. It can’t be true, right? Well, if that’s the case, why is Japan asking our government for our UFO data? Who’s got egg on their faces now? The following report is from Paul Seaburn. (Mysterious Universe)


The U.S. military establishment has finally publicly admitted that the infamous Tic-Tac UFO videos are real and the objects in them are unidentified. Do you believe them? Do you think the Pentagon has much more information about these flying objects that hasn’t been released? Of course it does … and most likely so does the Japanese military, which nonetheless has formally requested more data on them from the Pentagon. Will the Pentagon release all of it to Japan? Any of it? Should it?

South China Morning Post reports that Japan’s Defence Minister Taro Kono has appealed to the U.S. Defense Department for more info on UFOs which he himself doesn’t believe in. He also claims that no Japanese military pilot has ever encountered a UFO (more on the claim later) but, being a good Defense minister, he wants to develop a protocol so that they are prepared if that day ever happens. Or has it already happened, and this feigned disbelief is merely a cover-up?

I would like to begin by offering a cautionary note to Japanese Defence Minister Taro Kono. Take a number, pal. Some of us have been asking the Pentagon for this information for decades, and particularly during the past 28 months. We haven’t had much luck, to say the least. If they’re not giving it to me, they’re certainly not going to be giving it to you.

All kidding aside, it’s long been known that the Japanese official position on UFOs is that they don’t exist. (Which is kind of remarkable, since their own pilots report seeing them regularly.) It’s just something that’s never been accepted in Japan’s very traditional, conservative culture. Anyone taking such subjects seriously is generally ridiculed.


The Defence Minister’s own statement reflects this, carefully pointing out that he doesn’t believe in any of this. He’s just covering all of his bets and making sure they have procedures in place in case it happens.

“No SDF [Self-Defence Force] pilot has encountered a UFO. The videos have come from the US Defence Department so I would like to hear their analysis. I don’t really believe in UFOs. We would like to establish procedures in the event an encounter takes place with a UFO.”

I sense that some of you are still skeptical. Perhaps it doesn’t seem plausible. But if that’s the case, how do you explain this picture? That’s right. It’s the aforementioned Defence Minister of Japan. And who is he meeting with? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They’re probably chatting about antigravitational propulsion systems as we speak.

And it’s not just the Japanese, by the way. The United Kingdom had its own UFO investigatory program running for decades and they’ve released a lot of their documentation. Going back to the cold war days, the Russians (the Soviet Union at the time) had a secret project of their own. They rarely discussed it, but the CIA document archive contains a report from Dr. J. Allen Hynek (of Project Blue Book fame) detailing Russian astronomers who were very involved in this research.

The evidence keeps piling up that there’s something going on in the upper echelons of government, and not just in the United States. For Japan to make this sort of request at least implies that they probably already know a lot more about what’s been going on up in our upper atmosphere than they’re letting on. For that matter, so does the Pentagon. At some point, they’re going to need to let the rest of us in on the details. Or at least the details that don’t need to be classified for legitimate national security purposes.


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