If the Media Reports and No One Is Listening ...

Former New York Times writer (and now Howard University journalism professor) Nikole Hannah-Jones declared recently that “all journalism is activism.” Advocacy journalism is all the rage in journalism schools and on major media platforms. ...


The result is that the mainstream media is increasing speaking to itself and a dwindling number of viewers and readers. NPR is again a good example. ...

So we are left with the variation of a common Zen-like question: if the media reports and no one is listening, does it still make a noise?

Ed Morrissey

Turley springboards his analysis off the same AP/NORC poll I wrote about earlier this morning. He makes the same point I make about narrative journalism, but uses a more specific term, and probably the better term for it. I would have provided a longer list of examples, but really, why bother? They're all in our archives under the Media Bias tag. I don't think it's incumbent on critics to provide a list of bias and corruption in the media; it's long past time that the media start proving integrity. 

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