McCarthy defends women in sports

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Yesterday was Girls and Women in Sports Day, and Speaker McCarthy did a wonderful thing: he handed over his platform to women whose right to compete as athletes in the NCAA is under attack by radical activists.


Everybody, Left or Right, has an opinion on the invasion of biological men into women’s sports. There is, as far as I know, unanimity among conservatives that trans-women (biological males who consider themselves women) do not belong in competitions with girls and women; surprisingly there isn’t quite that much unity on the Left side of the spectrum.

But they are trying, as you can see with the hate campaigns aimed at so-called “TERFs,” which is an acronym for “trans-exclusionary radical feminists.” In other words, radical feminists who reject the claim that trans-women are actual women.

Generally, though, the Left has jumped into the gender wars on the side of the transitioners, and that includes the federal government and the NCAA, which both reject the idea that biology determines sex.

They are erasing women’s sports.

McCarthy held a forum yesterday allowing female athletes to tell their stories, and they are mesmerizing and dispiriting. Despite the fact that the video linked below is an hour, I watched most of it. The stories these women tell of being robbed of opportunities and traumatized by sharing female spaces with biological males infuriate me.

The NCAA had to choose between defending women and coddling a man’s mental illness, and they chose the latter.

Watch the first 10-15 minutes to get a flavor, and then watch the short clips I will link below.


The Left often speaks of “safe spaces” and “affirming identities,” but safety and affirmation only belong to the chosen ones. Until 5 minutes ago, even the most “misogynistic” among us would defend a woman’s right to shower and dress in a private space without men. Now, though, the NCAA forces girls and women to share locker rooms with men, who parade around with their genitals hanging out.

It’s abusive. It is only possible due to the exercise of overwhelming power, where those with the keys to the kingdom are able to force everybody to pretend that falsity is true. “Trans-women are women” is as true as “the moon is made of green cheese.” The male genitalia is there for everybody to see.

The powers-that-be get away with it because they can, and want to. They are all about crushing dissent.

Real women are the victims, and it is good to see at least a few of them speaking out. Although it is dispiriting that they were made afraid to.

Riley Gaines’ story strikes home: it was she who was robbed by Lia Thomas’ entry into swimming competitions. She was forced to undress in front of a man. She was forced to endure watching a man undress while he watched her. And it was she who was told that she needed counseling if she didn’t like it. Watch:


Everybody, or nearly so, knows that this is wrong. Even liberals, who prattle on about “safe spaces” all the time, at some level must understand that women cannot feel safe when sharing private spaces with men. It is insane, and it is the reality being imposed on women by the Left.

One point that rarely gets spoken of is this: this is primarily a women’s issue. In general, men could not care less about a woman being in their bathroom or locker room.  Women being in our space isn’t scary, just weird.

It is women who are being harmed here, not men. And it is women who are being betrayed by a group that constantly claims to be their ally, despite all the evidence.

Conservatives don’t benefit politically from fighting this fight. We are attacked as culture warriors, extremists, bigots, and transphobes by the MSM and the Democrats. Sure, we may pick up a few more votes from right-leaning women, but hardly enough to compensate for the political drubbing we take for picking the fight.

We do it because it is right, and because it is our job to defend the defenseless. Civilizations where the elite can exert raw power over the defenseless are tyrannies. Here in America, it is a soft form of tyranny, but to the young girls and women who are losing their space, it probably doesn’t feel so soft.


The Left is erasing women. Lia Thomas didn’t acquire femininity when he chose to identify as a woman; he brought his masculinity into female spaces in order to dominate them.

It still shocks me that the Left has embraced this fight, and shocks me more that they have been winning it. Where are the parents? The legions of feminists who shout loudly about every perceived oppression of women in other realms?


Here it is. Raw, for all to see. Oppression totally unmasked. And only conservatives and a few brave “TERFs” will stand up and fight?


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