A sensible discussion of the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting from ... Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo?

First Bill Maher lays down the law to Democrats about overreacting to COVID risks, then these two chuckleheads engage in the most eminently reasonable discussion of the Bryant case that’s appeared on American television since the shooting. And on a day when liberal discourse was overflowing with terrible takes about the incident too.


I’m not sure I want to live in a world where these dudes are the voices of reason.

But better them than no one, right?

Another reasonable take on what happened in Columbus came from Bryant’s neighbors, some of whom overheard the commotion and then watched footage of the shooting later.

[Donovan] Brinson, who turned his [surveillance] video [of the shooting] over to police, said he believed that had police not taken immediate action, more people could have been killed…

Another neighbor, Ira Graham III, a photographer and videographer who was working at home, said he heard the gunshots Tuesday afternoon…

“I believe in truth and facts. Video doesn’t lie,” he said. “She was in full attack mode.”…

The girl “was literally aiming a knife at this young lady,” Graham said of the female in pink. “She needed to be stopped at that point. That young lady’s life was at stake.”

“That young lady’s life was at stake.” That’s the same conclusion Lemon and Cuomo arrived at, and the same conclusion that everyone arrives at unless their agenda requires them to ignore the facts and treat this as another case of racist police brutality.

And there are a lot of people, especially younger people, who feel required:

Students at Ohio State staged a sit-in protest and demanded that the university cut ties with Columbus Police in the wake of the killing of Ma’Khia Bryant…

Students staged their Wednesday protest in the Ohio Union before taking to the streets to march.

Some carried signs with the victim’s name, along with phrases like “say her name”, while another student had a sign that said, “Being Black shouldn’t be a death sentence.”


Yesterday Cory Booker tweeted that Bryant “deserves justice” and that her death proves we “must reform this deeply broken system.” Which part of the system does he think the confrontation with Bryant revealed to be “deeply broken”? The part where cops don’t let someone stab someone else right in front of them?

Here’s the CNN clip via Newsbusters. It’s eight minutes but it’s worth your time. At one point Cuomo commends Lemon for being “brave” by not leaping to the conclusion that the police behaved unjustly. That’s an exaggeration, but not a huge one. Lemon’s making no friends on his side by refusing to demagogue Bryant’s death.

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