Deval Patrick: These darned Republicans are almost at the level of sedition

Via Weasel Zippers. Just curious: Is there even a single person among the left’s sedition cops with the balls to make the accusation without qualifying it somehow? Joe Klein was only willing to go as far as “borderline sedition”; same with Patrick, who drops an “almost” in there just to cover his ass. You would think guardians of the Republic would be bolder about their guardianship.


Patrick said that even “on my worst day, when I’m most frustrated about folks who seem to rooting for failure,” he doesn’t face anything like the opposition faced by the president.

“It seems like child’s play compared to what is going on in Washington, where it is almost at the level of sedition, it feels to like me,” Patrick said…

After the forum, Patrick explained his remarks.

“I think that the number of people in the Grand Old Party who seem to be absolutely committed to saying ‘no,’ whenever he says ‘yes,’ no matter what it is, even if it’s an idea that they came up with, is just extraordinary,” the governor told reporters after the forum.

He went on to call it a “rhetorical flourish,” which tells you all you need to know about how seriously he takes this very serious charge. Want to feel even more depressed? Check out Rasmussen’s latest poll of the Massachusetts gubernatorial race. I guess Republican waves have their limits, even with an idiot like this as an incumbent.


In Patrick’s honor, here’s a new ad from Republican upstart Les Phillip, who’s running against Parker Griffith in an Alabama House primary. I think this now qualifies as high treason or something.

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Ed Morrissey 6:40 PM | September 20, 2024