Quotes of the day

“Beck appears to be building something. His television show audience is growing, despite a well-publicized boycott, and his radio show calls itself the third highest in the country. (Radio audience measurements can be fickle.) His newsletter has more than 750,000 subscribers. He’s authored three best-selling books. As the attention to Beck has increased — as Beck has become persona non grata among elites — who, let’s face it, also love to cover him as a phenomenon they can’t quite understand — Beck seems to enhanced his standing with his target audience.


Given that 2010 is an election year, it would be logical to assume that Beck is putting together a mass voter registration and mobilization project. It’s a tricky proposition…

Still, if Beck becomes part of the apparatus that fuses into one movement irritated Republicans and angry conservatives and fickle Ron Paul libertarians — he’s going to become a major electoral player in 2010.”

Via Greg Hengler.

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