SEIU head: Anti-American teabagging extremists need to elevate their discourse; Update: DNC promises "rain of hellfire" on critics

Biggest surprise here: He accuses the right of pretty much everything except racism. Proof positive, I guess, that the backlash has finally reached the left-wing brain trust.


Since, per Maureen Dowd and Michael Eric Dyson, it’s now kosher to put words in people’s mouths that they didn’t actually say, I’m going to imagine that Stern finished with, “Take my advice or we’ll send more of your guys to the hospital.” This is, after all, a man who once boasted creepily about the “persuasion of power.”

As has always happened when progressive change is in the air, the backlash gets fierce, ugly and anti-American. This time is no different. Right now, there is an insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right to target individuals and grassroots community groups as a way to silence the voices of women and men who have suffered the most under 8 years of right wing policies.

These extremists will attempt to shut down and shout down anyone with a different point of view.

Let’s be clear who we are talking about—call them attack dogs, call them Teabaggers, call them Glenn Beck–these are the same folks who cheered the policies that crashed our economy. Who make up lies about death panels to try to kill healthcare reform. Who scream about democracy while denying workers a voice on the job. Who target anyone who poses a threat to a status quo that for too long has rewarded greedy CEOs while leaving people who work out in the cold.

By “insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right,” I take it he means visiting community organizers and listening patiently while they offer you tips on how to cover up child sex slavery.


Here’s a surprisingly diplomatic statement from a guy not known for them, insisting again that the White House sees nothing racist in right-wing opposition to ObamaCare even if every last bottom-feeder on the left does. You’ll be pleased to know that he’s planning to wade into the health-care debate himself next week, joining Mrs. O as reinforcements called in to try to salvage The One’s otherwise epic failure. Joe Biden and Michelle Obama talking policy with an intense media spotlight on them: What could go wrong? Click the image to watch.

Update: Is there any way we can get Ahmadinejad to come out against ObamaCare when he’s in town later this month? These hardcore ass-kicking leftist heroes sure do know how to get their war on when their domestic policies are challenged:

DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan said: “The message to opponents of change who would lie or misrepresent the truth should be clear. We are going to respond forcefully and consistently with the facts, and you will no longer be able to peddle your lies with impunity. Through tools like ‘Call ‘Em Out,’ you will be met with a rain of hellfire from supporters armed with the facts and you will be held to account.”

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