Matthews on Palin: It's "paranoid" to think big government leads to controlling the people

Yeah, seriously. When has that ever happened? Eight years of leftist caterwauling about the coming Bush dictatorship was not, of course, “fear, fear, fear,” but simply prudent, responsible small-R republicanism in response to an expansion of executive power. Now we’ve got a liberal nationalizing major banks and the American auto industry, with health care on the way, and the thought that this might mean a heavier federal hand over the population is an idea worthy of the X-Files. The tax burden alone to pay off our astronomical debt will mean significantly less freedom over how we spend our income; pile on green regulations and the inevitable rationing of medical care to handle demand and you’re well into European “third way” territory. Is that “control” enough for you, Chris?


I honestly wonder how to explain his incredulity here at such a basic economic point. Is it dishonest propaganda for The One? Honest spinning because he believes Obama’s intentions are good, notwithstanding the various reports we’ve had of him strong-arming executives and creditors of failing companies? Or is it sheer contempt for Palin blinding him to the merits of her point? I have a crazy hunch that if an anti-war kook like Ron Paul made the same libertarian argument, Matty would find it perfectly agreeable.

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