Mop-up thread

A few linky treats for our night owls and those too wired from having witnessed a bloodbath to wind down just yet. With 99 percent reporting, Obama’s clinging to leads of a few thousand votes in both Indiana and North Carolina. If he wins both, he’ll top out at 364 EVs (with the possibility for more depending upon what happens in Missouri and Montana). That would mean he’d have overperformed even the rosy projections at Five Thirty Eight. He already has 338 in the bank, which means your resident Eeyore actually wasn’t pessimistic enough. Good lord.


We’re headed for another wipeout in the House in the too, with Politico projecting a Dem pickup of at least 20 seats. You can follow the late returns at CNN’s master page. Murtha ended up destroying Russell in spite of everything, thereby depriving us of even a tiny consolation prize. For that, all hope now rests on Minnesota, where Norm Coleman’s clinging to a two-point lead over Stuart Smalley with 72 percent reporting.

Still too soon to tell which way Prop 8 is headed in California but with a quarter of the vote counted, it’s 53/47 in favor of reinstating the ban on gay marriage (i.e. a “yes” vote).

Here’s the video and transcript of The One’s speech. I mean, President The One.

Update: Wow — if, if the exit polls are right, Prop 8 is headed for a narrow defeat.

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