Nuance: Biden suddenly decides he's all for clean coal

Via Mary Katharine Ham. I say unto you for the third time this week: The man’s a genius.

Campaigning in Pennsylvania coal country on Thursday, the Democratic vice presidential nominee said the government should steer more money to clean coal — a term used to describe a variety of emerging technologies that burn coal for electricity without producing as much pollution.

“I am for clean coal,” he told The Associated Press following a speech in Wilkes-Barre…

The Delaware senator was working a rope line in Maumee, Ohio, on Sept. 17 when a voter asserted that wind and solar energy were “flourishing” in Ohio and then asked Biden why he supported clean coal.

“We’re not supporting clean coal,” Biden replied, putting his hands on the woman’s shoulders. “Guess what? China’s building two every week, two dirty coal plants, and it’s polluting the United States. It’s causing people to die.”


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