
On the W(ar)PATH: The Amiable Skeptics Featuring Adam Baldwin!

Not yet convinced that the sex-change industry has no sound medical basis? Read Michael Shellenberger's explosive WPATH exposé -- and get as angry as Adam Baldwin and me. We walk through the transcripts and discuss how even the providers know that they're wreaking havoc on an entire generation of children and adolescents. 

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Welcome back to our VIP video series "The Amiable Skeptics," featuring my friend Adam Baldwin! Adam is well-known for his long and storied Hollywood career, starting with My Bodyguard, and especially for his roles in Full Metal Jacket, Firefly, its film sequel Serenity, Chuck, and The Last Ship.

Be sure to watch it all, and extend the conversation in the comments!

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John Stossel 12:00 AM | June 02, 2024