Fast and Furious: NRA calls for Holder's resignation -- and urges you to do the same

Attorney General Eric Holder’s part in the Fast and Furious scandal that intentionally funneled U.S. firearms to Mexican drug cartels has been narrowed down to either (a) a lethally irresponsible knowledge (and presumed authorization) of the program or (b) a lethally irresponsible ignorance of the program. Either way, the president has precious little factual support for his undimmed confidence in his AG — and politicians and outside organizations are calling him on it.


The number of congressional representatives to call for Holder’s resignation, for example, has grown to 17. Newly in that group: Reps. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), Allen West (R-Fla.), Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and Dennis Ross (R-Fla.).

Now, add the National Rifle Association to the list of those clamoring for Holder to exit. The NRA has launched an ad campaign to urge the American people to pick up the phone, call the president and demand that he “hold Holder accountable.” The ad is a concise summation of the scandal that, somehow, has still yet to reach the eyes and ears of many in the lefty media (and, consequently, to reach the minds of those who consume mostly left-leaning media):

So far, Holder has hewn to the line that his congressional testimony of May 3 (referenced in the NRA video — and suspiciously confusing) was “truthful and accurate.” But he only spoke up to defend himself on that front because one outspoken congressman, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), said any in the administration who knew of and accepted the program could potentially be an accessory to murder. Otherwise, the DOJ pattern from Holder down has been to stonewall the Congressional investigation of F&F.


The AG testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Tuesday, though, so we’ll see if he answers any questions convincingly then. It’s too much to hope he’ll inadvertently assume responsibility for either the program itself or his general incompetence, but no doubt that’ll be what Sen. Chuck Grassley will be gunning for.

One last reminder: NRA has a stake in this because the general plan of the program suggests it might have been politically motivated to “prove” that legally purchased weapons yet cross the border and do harm. As always, I hate to believe that, but have to admit it as a plausible possibility.

Update: Another new tidbit of information about Fast and Furious, via CBS reporter Sharyl Atkisson. Apparently, Lanny Breuer, head of the criminal division of the DOJ, definitely knew that the ATF had employed the gunwalking strategy during “Operation Wide Receiver,” a program started under the Bush administration. Why does that matter? Atkisson explains:

Today, Breuer issued a statement saying he “regrets” that he didn’t alert others in Justice Department leadership, apparently including his boss Attorney General Eric Holder.

In a separate ATF case reported by CBS News earlier this year, called “Fast and Furious” and started under the Obama Administration, Breuer says he likewise regrets not alerting leaders about the similarities in the cases. That, said Breuer, was a mistake.

Republican Congressional investigators say this new information contradicts the Justice Department’s original letter to them earlier this year insisting that gunwalking allegations were “false.”



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David Strom 5:20 PM | May 01, 2024