The RNC breaks August off-year fundraising record

After last night’s “bellwether” wins in New York and Nevada, at least one Republican this morning had to battle mightily to restrain the will to gloat. But while bragging might not be advisable (what was it the DNC reminded us of in their most recent ad? that we have 14 months to go to the next election?), a little cautious confidence is surely OK. Obama has never been more unpopular — and the Republican National Committee has never raised more money in an off-year August than it did last month.


The Republican National Committee raised over $8 million in August, the highest amount the group has raised in an August of a non-election year and reportedly more than $2 million more than their Democratic counterparts.

The RNC said it had raised $8.17 million in August, giving them $9.22 million in cash-on-hand funds. The organization also reported holding $15.9 million in debt. On Monday Reuters reported the Democratic National Committee had raised $5.5 million in August. Official fundraising numbers from the DNC will be released September 20. The DNC refused to comment for this article.

The month of August saw some setbacks in Democratic fundraising, as President Barack Obama was forced to cancel fundraisers amid contentious negotiations over the federal debt limit.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus once again proves his superiority to his Democratic counterpart — the beloved Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who this morning said R’s lost NY-9 because “it’s a very difficult district for Democrats.” Priebus was essentially brought on board to right the fiscal ship — and that’s exactly what he’s doing. And he manages to speak sensibly, to boot.


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Ed Morrissey 6:40 PM | September 20, 2024