Shade: German reporter would like to know Nobel Laureate's Ukraine red lines

A highlight from today’s press conference, in which we learn that we don’t have red lines, and that German reporters throw shade better than ours do. In this clip, brave leader President Obama passes off a question that is very literally about his and only his red lines to Merkel. Chivalrous and bold:


As usual, we don’t have a strategy, and even MSNBC knows it:

ED SCHULTZ: We really don’t know what to do, do we?

COL. JACK JACOBS: We don’t have a plan. I think Steve is absolutely right. I don’t know whether or not you can negotiate with this guy, but negotiations are absolutely essential. There has to be some trades made. I don’t know if the Ukrainians are going to be able to beat back the Russian defense. I think he would redouble his efforts to take over all of Ukraine. If we’re talking about raising the ante there, he will too. We’re not sending Americans to go fight in the Ukraine. We’re not going to be there for a decade. I think we understand that, but talk is cheap. If we think that we’re going to be able to do it with anything other than a serious conversation at the highest levels, I think we are sadly mistaken because we’re not interested in going all in.

I feel good.

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