New gun-control ideas: Government mandated Bond-movie gadgets, chocolate bullets

The Personalized Handgun Safety Act, inspired by “Skyfall,” but without the great theme song:

“In the most recent James Bond film, Bond escapes death when his handgun, which is equipped with technology that recognizes him as its owner, becomes inoperable when it gets into the wrong hands,” Tierney’s office said in a statement introducing the bill. “This technology, however, isn’t just for the movies — it’s a reality.”…

Under his bill, guns made in the United States would have to be built with this technology two years after the bill becomes law. Older guns being sold by a business or individual would have to be retrofitted with this technology after three years.

The bill says the cost of retrofitting these older guns would be paid out of the Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture Fund, where confiscated assets from criminal investigations are placed.


Thanks, Q.

Charles Cooke takes on Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) and his 13 Democratic co-sponsors:

In the Boston Globe, John Rosenthal of Stop Handgun Violence, claimed that, with this technology, “We could reduce the majority of gun deaths in this country.”

This is spectacularly dishonest. According to the anti-gun Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, 606 people were accidentally killed by firearms in 2010. Of course, not all of these people were killed with handguns and many of them were killed when the guns were being held by their primary owners. Moreover, the law would do nothing about the vast majority of those 300 million-plus guns that are already privately owned.

The law also wouldn’t prevent suicides. Look, the technology is intriguing—Cooke notes it’s a pretty decent idea for a gun safe—and will no doubt make its way into more and more guns just as Bluetooth technology has crept into more and more cars, allowing common hands-free cell phone operation, sometimes even without regulation. The idea that you’re going to require and retrofit the technology is, at best expensive and impractical.

Perhaps we could take another cue from “Skyfall” and mandate Komodo dragons for self-defense. I’m not sure it’ll help the problem, it will cost a bunch, and has potential dangerous downsides, but if we can save just one life.


From Bond movies to chocolate bullets, my friends. You tell me whether this is a serious policy proposal. I mean, Vice President Biden is personally backing an idea from the deep well of policy knowledge upon which the Obama White House so often relies in this discussion— elementary school students asked to write letters by their parents and teachers.

It might not be unusual for schoolchildren to write to the president or vice president. But one Wisconsin boy got an unexpectedly personal response.

The 7-year-old, second-grade student at Downtown Montessori Academy wrote a letter to Vice President Joe Biden and other officials a few months ago with a simple idea for making the world safer.

His teacher Jenny Aicher says his letter suggested that if guns shot chocolate bullets, no one would get hurt.

The student — and the rest of the school — got a surprise Monday when Biden’s handwritten response arrived in the mail.

Biden’s reply:

Dear Myles,

I am sorry it to me so very long to respond to your letter. I really like your idea. If we had guns that shot chocolate, not only would our country be safer, it would be happier. People love chocolate.

You are a good boy,

J. Biden

Doesn’t he know we’re dealing with an obesity problem?


And, in good guys with guns news, some alleged burglars this week unwittingly locked a Houston man in his gun closet during their crime, and paid for it. As the news report says, “Wrong house. Wrong homeowner.” The neighbor in the video is great.

The victim of an armed home invasion in Houston has turned the tables on the brazen intruders after they stuffed him into a closet that turned out to be the place where he stores his gun.

Police say it all started at around 2pm Tuesday when three men broke into a home in the 8200 block of Braeburn Valley Drive and assaulted the resident.

After a brief scuffle, the hapless perpetrators shoved the man into a closet, not knowing that there was a gun in there.

When the homeowner thought the burglars had left, he went downstairs, carrying his gun in case the suspects were still around, the Houston Chronicle reported.

On the first floor, the man confronted one of his assailant and the two exchanged gunfire, according to police.

The resident, who shares the house with his parents, escaped unharmed, but the armed suspect was much the worse for wear after being struck in the shoulder and leg.

He fled on foot down the street, but did not get far before he collapsed.


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