Now, Poland's president joins Trump in fight on fake news

Melania Trump standing right next to Donald Trump. Let’s see. Which one would you look at first?


The wife of Poland’s president had the same answer during the American first couple’s visit to Warsaw this week. While the two presidents greeted each other after a photo op, Agata Kornhauser-Duda walked straight over to shake Mrs. Trump’s hand in a warm woman-to-woman exchange.


As Duda passed, President Trump instinctively stuck out his hand, which she missed.

Some media and Dems on autopilot — yes, it is hard to tell them apart at times — intentionally misinterpreted the incident as a slight to the man who destroyed their Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College. Our John Sexton had thorough coverage here at the time of the unshaken hand heard round the world.

The videos clearly show the two wives focused on each other, approaching and shaking hands while their husbands conversed. Then Mrs. Duda turned and warmly greeted President Trump. End of faux incident, if you bothered to watch those few extra seconds. Which isn’t all that difficult if you want to be accurate. But then….

AOL News even consulted a body language expert, who confirmed the innocent misunderstanding.


But now even the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, has decided to weigh in to denounce those reports about his innocent wife and to urge resistance to such fake news. He even uses ALL CAPS like Trump on Twitter.

“Contrary to some surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mrs and Mr Trump @POTUS after a great visit. Let’s FIGHT FAKE NEWS.”

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