Ryan moves to prohibit Hillary from accessing classified material

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) has formally asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to have the intelligence community refrain from sharing sensitive information in light of the “extremely careless” conduct connected to her use of an un-authorized, non-secure private email server while Secretary of State:


“As a former vice presidential nominee, I am keenly aware that Secretary Clinton is set to begin receiving classified intelligence briefings after the Democratic National Convention. However, Director Comey stated that ‘this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions.’ Given the FBI’s findings, denying Secretary Clinton access to classified information certainly constitutes appropriate sanctions. This is necessary to reassure the public that our nation’s secrets are secure.”

The letter (link is a pdf) was made public Thursday morning and is sure to be ignored by President Obama’s Administration.

“This is necessary to reassure the public that our nation’s secrets are secure.” Ryan wrote and it’s a fair point. It’s nice to see some level of response from Republican leadership however, this has the air of a literal “strongly worded letter to follow” kind of thing.

Ryan also sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey demanding answers to his rationale behind not pursuing charges against the Democrats’ presumptive nominee:


“Right now, there are simply too many unanswered questions. While we have started oversight hearings, as you stated earlier this week, ‘given the importance of the matter, I think unusual transparency is in order.’ I completely agree. That’s why I am requesting that you release all of the findings from your investigation. The American people deserve to know exactly what your investigation uncovered and why the FBI came to the decision to recommend that no criminal charges be brought against Secretary Clinton.”

Ryan’s letter to Comey asks for a release of all of the unclassified findings in the email investigation. We aren’t holding our collective breath.


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