BLM war on Kelly Loeffler escalates - Sell shares in WNBA team, or else

Senator Kelly Loeffler is running for her first full term in the U.S. Senate after being appointed to fill the seat vacated by Johnny Isakson last December. She is being targeted by Black Lives Matter activists because she won’t appease them. She is now asking Capitol Police to investigate the latest threats she has received.


Last week I wrote about a campaign event in a community center in Cumming, Georgia for Senator Loeffler. Her guest was Senator Tom Cotton. The two had to leave the event early, though, because two BLM supporters, both black women, interrupted Loeffler while she was speaking. They were chanting and causing a loud distraction. The women knew what they were doing – one of the women was a former candidate for the state Senate.

BLM activists are angry about Loeffler’s statements about the protests and, in particular, the violence and destruction the protests frequently bring with them. Loeffler has proposed new legislation in the U.S. Senate. It’s titled the Holding Rioters Accountable Act. It would withhold funding from district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes arising from protests. In other words, she is unapologetically speaking up and supporting law enforcement. Her message is also that cancel culture is out of control. She’s not wrong.

On Monday, Loeffler was interviewed on Fox and Friends. She spoke about her legislation and the need for holding elected officials accountable in dealing with rioting and destruction. Once the violence starts at a protest, it is no longer a protest protected by the First Amendment, it is a riot. She said, when speaking about pushback she is getting from BLM activists, that her supporters countered the two women protesters in Cummings by shouting her name and chanting “USA” in response. Her conclusion is that the November election is a clear choice, a “stark contrast” between order and chaos.


Do they want the opportunity to have free expression, to have the rule of law, safety, and security in their communities? This is the type of legislation I have been introducing to help the president to make sure that we have a strong, safe economy,” she said. “Or do we have the chaos and pandemonium that they want to create just to consolidate power in the radical left?”

She’s asking Capitol Police to investigate several letters that have been received at her home and at her Atlanta campaign office.

Loeffler said in a statement to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday that she received “multiple threats against my life” over the last few days and she’s forwarded them to the Capitol Police and other authorities to review.

Her campaign shared one of the letters with the AJC. It included logos of the Atlanta Dream and the Black Lives Matter movement above a note warning she could “get a knife” if she doesn’t sell the WNBA team, which she has co-owned since 2011.

The AJC downplays the specifics of the threat to Loeffler with that description of the letter the campaign shared. As shown in a snapshot in the article, it is a postcard that was postmarked in North Texas. There is a picture in the upper corner of a BLM banner. The logo of the Atlanta Dream team is on the opposite side of the BLM banner. The wording over and below a split picture of a Dream player and the senator is “WNBA Atlanta Dream hates Senator Kelly Loeffler. Best Not Piss Off the Black Girls. Racist Whore You Need to Sell… Before You Get A Knife In Your Ass.”


The Atlanta Dream team has already entered Loeffler’s race for Senate because, out of hatred toward her, the team wore campaign t-shirts declaring support for Loeffler’s Democrat opponent. Cancel culture demands that since Loeffler (and anyone else) doesn’t support all of the criminal actions of BLM, she is a racist and must be punished.

She faces 20 challengers in a November special election, including Rep. Doug Collins.

BLM activists are calling for her to sell her shares in the WNBA team. She is holding her ground and refusing to do so.

“No person, regardless of their political views, should be threatened for sharing their beliefs,” she said, “and I will continue fighting for free speech in America.”

Loeffler received the endorsement of the Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler, a Republican, Tuesday morning.

In a statement, Butler called Loeffler a “proven conservative champion” and highlighted her conservative stances on gun ownership, immigration and her background as an Atlanta businesswoman.

Butler’s endorsement builds on her base of prominent state Republican backers including Gov. Brian Kemp, Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan and Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr. She has also drawn support from many national Republicans including U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.


All twenty of Loeffler’s challengers will appear on the November 3 ballot for the special election race. It is a free-for-all-special election. A runoff will be held in January if no candidate receives more than 50% of votes. Democrat frontrunner Rev. Raphael Warnock is supported by Stacey Abrams and Jon Ossoff, among other prominent Democrats.

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