The kids are pawns, Democrats use Parkland students to get out the vote

In case you are on the fence about coming to the realization that the kids in Parkland, Florida are being used as stooges to push the anti-gun agenda of the left, there is proof in the form of social media. Here we have a tweet from conservative writer Mark Hemingway showing a student has signed off on a letter via calling on like-minded people to support the I Will Vote initiative. Oh yeah, and change gun laws.


From an article in USA Today:

Imam calls on DNC supporters to commit to vote this fall as part of the party’s “IWillVote” campaign, which aims to organize and get 50 million voters to the polls, because “Voting is the first step toward ending gun violence.”

While Florida’s #NeverAgain students have become vocal proponents of gun control, Imam’s engagement with the DNC marks perhaps a new political turn, even as other outside national groups have worked to encourage youth voter registration and support students planning the March 24 “March for Our Lives” protests in Washington and dozens of other cities.

Well, at least Sarah Imam and the Democrats are being honest now.

All of this comes after the students led the way in organizing the March For Our Lives on March 24 with the help and financial support of wealthy celebrities and anti-gun groups. Alas, it looks like the rally will not be on the Mall as originally planned. There seems to be a conflict and the National Parks Service has issued a permit on that day to another group. Since Oprah is involved in this production with the kids, you know it is an extravaganza. Would she finance anything less than that?


Even the Women’s March organizers are getting in on the action.  Marches will be held in cities across the country and in London, too.

The event’s website, which doesn’t mention the Women’s March, says the March for Our Lives was “created by, inspired by, and led by students across the country” and headed by junior Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the Feb. 14 shooting that killed 17 teenagers and adults at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Meanwhile, gun-control advocacy groups have become involved in the “sister marches” being planned at more than two dozen U.S. cities and London.

In Denver, the Colorado Coalition Against Gun Violence applied for a permit for its March 24 rally at the state capitol, according to a state spokesman, while Moms Demand Action, backed by billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, has jumped in even as it tries to keep the spotlight on the teens.

No one on the left wants to be on the sidelines. The attendees of the Oscars ceremony will wear “anti-gun violence” pins to distinguish themselves from all those pro-gun violence people, I guess. Hollywood does love a symbolic gesture made with jewelry.


Lyft will happily give the kids free rides to show solidarity for the nationwide marches.

“We believe there is something seriously wrong when the threat of gun violence is so frequent and real throughout our country. And like many, we are inspired by your leadership,” Lyft said, praising the students for their efforts to “drive meaningful change” on the debate.

Isn’t it about time for their 15 minutes of fame to end and send them back to class? Their engagement can be appreciated to some extent but I sure don’t want public policy to be written by underage kids emoting for the cameras.

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