CEO resigns after online threats to assassinate President-elect Trump

The CEO of a San Diego cyber-security company has resigned after he said he planned to assassinate President-elect Trump on social media. Images of Matt Harrigan’s comments began circulating on social media Sunday. They included the statement “I’m going to kill the president. Elect.” He also wrote, “Bring it secret service,” and “In no uncertain terms, f*** you America. Seriously. F*** off.”


Harrigan took to Twitter Sunday and claimed the comments were a joke which was being taken out of context. He also apologized and said he had no malicious intent:

But it was too little, too late. Monday the company issued a statement saying they had referred their own CEO’s comments to the Secret Service:

PacketSled takes recent comments made by our CEO, seriously. Once we were made aware of these comments, we immediately reported this information to the secret service and will cooperate fully with any inquiries. These comments do not reflect the views or opinions of PacketSled, its employees, investors or partners. Our CEO has been placed on administrative leave.

By Tuesday Harrigan had resigned. A new announcement on the company’s website stated, “The PacketSled Board of Directors accepted the resignation of President and CEO Matthew Harrigan, effective immediately.”


Harrigan gave an interview to local media in which he once again apologized for his comments and said he was drinking when he made them. He adds that he has received a “surprisingly large number” of death threats since the story went viral. He moved his family out of his house and is staying with extended family for the time being. His parting advice, “What you learn from this very, very quickly is that there is no such thing as a joke, no matter how slight it may be, pertaining to this topic. Just don’t do it.”

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