Rand Paul: 'the Clintons live by different rules'

Sen. Rand Paul called the FBI decision not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her use of a private server, “an outrage” and labeled it “asounding” on Tuesday. In a series of tweets, Paul expressed his dismay with the outcome:



A few hours later, Sen. Paul added a tweet linking to a Washington Times story from July 2013 which points out that Paul was the lone “no” vote during the confirmation of Comey as FBI Director.

Dr. Paul was not the only Republican who seemed upset by the decision. House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a statement saying the announcement “defies explanation.”

While I respect the law enforcement professionals at the FBI, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law. But based upon the director’s own statement, it appears damage is being done to the rule of law. Declining to prosecute Secretary Clinton for recklessly mishandling and transmitting national security information will set a terrible precedent. The findings of this investigation also make clear that Secretary Clinton misled the American people when she was confronted with her criminal actions. While we need more information about how the Bureau came to this recommendation, the American people will reject this troubling pattern of dishonesty and poor judgment.

Senator Marco Rubio issued an attack on Clinton without specifically disagreeing with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute. It reads in part:


Hillary Clinton’s actions have sent the worst message to the millions of hard-working federal employees who hold security clearances and are expected to go to great lengths to secure sensitive government information and abide by the rules. They don’t take their oaths lightly, and we shouldn’t expect any less of their leaders.

Comey’s statement Tuesday made clear that there was good cause for the investigation. Highly classified material, some of which was marked, was mishandled by Clinton and her aides. Comey even said Clinton should have realized it. But because Clinton’s behavior didn’t, in Comey’s view, rise to the level of prosecution, her supporters will treat this example of her horrible judgment and outright dishonesty as a win.

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