Gender is a construct -- except when it’s not

And yet, feminist social-justice warriors are perfectly capable of proceeding on several contradictory fronts simultaneously. Even as the director of the Women’s Health Research at Yale initiative insists that it’s time to “stop treating women as a subgroup of the human population” (because women are biologically and psychologically distinct from males), the magazine and its sources carefully follow the conventions of social constructivism. “Sex” is always paired with “gender”—as in, Yale’s medical school needs to “include more instruction on sex and gender differences”—lest anyone think that sex is the same thing as gender and determinative of biological reactions. An assistant professor at the medical school suggests asking students how the prognosis of a disease changes “if the patient identifies as a woman or a man.” But if, as documented, females are not just a “subgroup of the human population,” but physiologically and psychologically different, how a patient “identifies” should not change the prognosis. What matters is the patient’s actual biological sex. (Perhaps the assistant professor simply means that a prognosis may change depending on whether the patient really is a woman or a man. Under that reading, the professor would be honoring constructivist gender conventions by substituting “identify” for the ruthlessly non-constructivist “is,” while implicitly acknowledging the irrelevance of such gender conventions to medical diagnosis.)


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