Al Franken is just the beginning

The most stupefying question prompted by Democratic Sen. Al Franken being accused of kissing and groping a woman without her consent isn’t whether he’ll be forced to resign his Senate seat, or whether the news (and Democratic reaction to it) makes it more or less likely that the Republican Senate candidate from Alabama Roy Moore will drop out of the race after multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, or whether the Senate will refuse to seat Moore in the chamber in the event that he stays in and wins the race.


The most stupefying question prompted by the disgusting Franken news, coming as it does amidst the steady drip of disgusting Moore news, and the ongoing deluge of disgusting news about similar (and worse) behavior on the part of a slew of movie producers, actors, comedians, journalists, professors, and other prominent men is: Where will it end?

How many senators and House members and elected and appointed officials at the federal, state, and local levels will be forced to resign? And how many men will remain in these positions when it is all over?

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