How to "rape-proof" your college-aged son

What can you do to protect your son from these monsters? The most effective plan of action is to have him agree to never, ever be alone with a girl in private. Always have witnesses. Save the sex for the girl you marry. But if this isn’t workable, make sure your son never goes into a sexual situation without video-recorded consent (and probably one in writing, too, just to be sure… and get it notarized. Anyone who gets to the bottom of this form is probably going to opt out anyway).


This is not a joke. I know it seems like it should be, but this is where we are as a society, so… buckle up. It’s nasty out there and nobody will take your son’s side. Teach your son to stay far away from any woman in college who proclaims she believes in “rape culture” or social justice. That should weed out at least 90 percent of the hoaxers. But for the rest, make sure he gets to know any girl he is interested in for a long time (6 months or more) before even attempting to be alone with her and even then, make her sign the form. His future freedom depends on it.

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