Why were the police held back In Charlottesville?

Both of these Democratic leaders were praised by the media for their response to the violence that unfolded. But, interestingly enough , few reporters are asking them about their responsibility in letting Charlottesville turn into a battlefield between political extremists.


Law enforcement was on hand at the dueling demonstrations on Saturday, decked out in riot gear and looking prepared for the worst. Except they weren’t allowed to do their job. Police on the scene were reported to have been ordered to “not intervene until given command to do so,” according to the ACLU. That kept them from suppressing the numerous scuffles that broke out.

When police were ordered to disperse the alt-right rally, that act directed the white nationalists into the antifa demonstrators, leading to further street brawls. Police didn’t seem to try to get in between the two groups or suppress the fights.

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