Parents need to get serious about saving the next generation from Internet addiction

But something must be done—sooner rather than later. Parents and teachers must start pushing back against the technological craze that has begun transforming our education system. Children as young as kindergarten age are increasingly required to have iPads to complete homework assignments and readings. But as many have noted, these devices hurt attention spans, giving students a bevy of distractions to compete with their focus. And as David Sax noted in “Revenge of the Analog,” many children themselves say they prefer reading and writing on real physical paper.


More teachers should confiscate phones the minute their students walk into a classroom. More should find ways to include reading, writing, and note-taking, and to eliminate device usage from classrooms and homework requirements. This isn’t about being Spartan and “mean.” Old-fashioned, analog tools such as paper and pens have proven cerebral, mental benefits. They foster focus, memorization, and imagination. Even doodling in class can be beneficial for memory and retention.

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