84% of Measles Outbreaks in Chicago Tied to Venezuelan 'Immigrants'

The last time we checked on reports of a major measles outbreak in Chicago this spring, my Legal Insurrection colleague Mary Chastain indicated that health officials traced the outbreak to an illegal alien shelter.


Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 84 percent of measles cases in the outbreak at the Chicago migrant center are linked to Venezuelan immigrants.

New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines.

The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said.

The first patient had arrived in the US less than five months before he became ill. He had received one dose of the MMR vaccine five weeks prior to his rash...

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