Cuba Now Forced to Import ... Sugar?

Before the arrival of socialism in 1959, Cuba was the world’s top producer of sugar. Today, the communist dictatorship that has ruled the island for 65 consecutive years must import sugar to meet domestic needs. The sugar harvest this year has been a complete disaster, with numbers so low you would have to go back to the year 1900 to find similar production.


Via U.S. News and World Report:

The Cuban sugar harvest is winding down at the lowest tonnage since 1900, forcing the government to import and putting more pressure on its domestic rum, soft drink and pharmaceutical industries, according to official reports, two economists and a rum industry source.

Ed Morrissey

Sugar? Communist farming has always been a disaster no matter where it gets applied, but you have to really work hard to screw up sugar production in Cuba. Not only will that cost the Castroite regime hard currency it can't afford to spend to cover domestic demand for normal consumption, it will create significant follow-on economic problems for their industrial operations that rely on sugar, most notably rum. 

Let's hope it also forces an end to any credibility the regime has left among the people, and they can force a peaceful end to 65 years of insanity. 

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