The Biden-Blinken Two-State Delusion

In other words, Biden and Secretary of State Blinken are aiming for the diplomatic equivalent of a moon shot, the Nobel Peace Prize, and, not incidentally, victory in the November elections. The script for redrawing the map was written by Tom Friedman, the veteran New York Times columnist who has been promoting versions of this for decades. 


And it begins in Rafah, through orchestrating a stalemate and ceasefire that prevents Israel from totally defeating and uprooting Hamas as the dominant Palestinian terror organization and the rulers of Gaza. 

The problem (and it is a very big one) is that the entire scenario is built on a foundation of wishful thinking, not history and political realism. ... 

Israelis, including Netanyahu’s most vocal critics, know that withholding munitions to prevent the IDF from entering Rafah and recognizing a virtual Palestinian state will not end 76 years of Palestinian rejectionism. More likely, the determination to attack Israel will increase, accompanied by Iranian support. The addition of a Saudi-Israeli peace package will not change this reality. 

Ed Morrissey

Hamas repeatedly and explicitly rejects any permanent two-state solution. For that matter, so does Fatah when speaking in Arabic to its own population. The Palestinians have been fed 76 years of the "right of return" delusion and will not settle for anything less, which is why Hamas is so popular among them -- Hamas openly vows to deliver on that delusion. 

The only way to break that spell is to utterly defeat Hamas and discredit their delusions. But first, we have to convince Biden that he's not anything close to the foreign-policy genius he preens himself to be. Good luck with that. 

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